Why the project?
Disciplines such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, known by the acronym STEM, are the core subjects of the technological revolution the world is currently going through.
In the job market, particularly in Industry 4.0, the increasing demand for specialised technical-scientific knowledge is highly characteristic of the supply side.
However, women are partially excluded from the change that is taking place.
In the world, women graduates in scientific subjects are less than 4 out of 10.
From the point of view of equal opportunities and integration, these data represent a real gender gap in training and, as a consequence, in employment.
The need to reduce the gap by promoting access to STEM education is one of the priorities of the European Union, which asks Member States to invest in innovative training, to promote the acquisition of STEM skills, and to encourage the presence of young women in scientific studies.
The fundamental role in this is that of teachers, educational institutions and families: all must break away from the gender stereotypes and prejudices that have kept girls away from science for too long and bring female students closer to STEM subjects.
The project She Chooses STEM for the Future stems from the need to develop an inclusive approach, to increase the knowledge and awareness of female students to make them free to make unconditional choices.
Description of the project
She Chooses STEM for the Future is the European Union’s transnational ERASMUS + project that responds concretely to the need to identify effective innovative tools to bring young women closer to science subjects.
Spreading the values of inclusion and combating discrimination means breaking down the gap.
These are in fact the objectives of the project: to develop shared and transferable STEM strategies, to promote and disseminate gender equality, to include women in science through an interactive dialogue, to identify and counter social prejudices through dialogue and dissemination, to foster an interdisciplinary STEAM approach that also intends to stimulate artistic creativity and personal expression.
The project, coordinated by the Municipality of Narni, includes the cooperation of high schools and Universities from various European countries such as IIS Gandhi (Italy), IES La Zafra (Spain), GPCHE ‘Simeon Radev’ (Bulgaria) and UCAM University (Spain).
This team is complemented with the strategic and functional introduction of EPRALIMA a School of Higher Education from Portugal, the Universitatea Din Pitesti from Romania, Bulgaria Training, a non-profit organisation active in the field of education, training and others.
Two associated partners are also members of the project: European Platform Of Women Scientists (EPWS), a network of women scientists and organisations for gender equality in scientific research, the Institute of Air Pollution of CNR-IIA, which carries out research and provides high-level consultancy services on the topic.
Each partner, in the spirit of cooperation that characterises them, contributes to the achievement of the objectives through meetings, workshops for teachers, the development and production of methodological teaching models, the creation of digital toolkits for students, the production of Digital Story-telling videos, and the dissemination and sharing of the models and stories.
To develop shared and transferable STEM strategies.
To promote and disseminate gender equality.
To foster an interdisciplinary STEAM approach.